Michael Roelli

Foto Ferraro


PhD Candidate 
Institute of Psychology 
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
University of Lausanne 


Michael Roelli is a PhD student at the Institute of Psychology of the University of Lausanne (Switzerland). His research focuses, on the one hand, on the theories of dream that writers sketched out in their literary works at the turn of the 20th century and, on the other hand, on the influence of the practices of dream writing and dream interpretation on the development of the human sciences. He has published a book and an article on this first topic and devotes his doctoral thesis to the second.

Contact details

Université de Lausanne
Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques
Institut de psychologie
CH-1015 Lausanne
Email: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
Personal page: https://applicationspub.unil.ch/interpub/noauth/php/Un/UnPers.php?PerNum=1111310&LanCode=37

Publication on the dream and related topics


La science plus immédiate du rêve  : Esquisses littéraires d’une théorie qui n’aura jamais vu le jour. Lausanne: Archipel 2018. 


La science du rêveur. Jean Paulhan, onirologue. In: Histoires Littéraires 77 (2019), pp. 49‑66.