Chiara Conterno
Professor of German Literature
Alma Mater University of Bologna
Bologna, Italy
After studying German and English literature at the universities of Padua and Würzburg, Chiara Conterno received her cotutelle doctorate in 2010 in Padua and at the LMU Munich. She then worked as a research assistant and postdoctoral fellow at the University of Verona. She has held teaching positions at the universities of Mantua, Padua, Verona and at the LMU Munich. She has been working in Bologna since 2016. Her research interests are culture of letters, German-Jewish literature, German-Italian cultural transfer in the 18th century, transcultural literature, German poetry of the 20th century and German contemporary poetry as well as the topic of dreams in literature.
Contact details
Chiara Conterno
Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne
via Cartoleria 5
40124 Bologna, Italy
Tel.: +39 051 20 9 7130
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Publication on the dream and related topics
Articles and chapters in books
Traumhafte, geträumte Tiere im Kontext der Briefwechsel von Rahel Levin Varnhagen und Else Lasker-Schüler. In: Michael Dallapiazza / Annette Simonis (eds.): Tierwelten und Textwelten. Bern u.a.: Lang 2020, pp. 61-80.
Gelbe Pferde, rosa Vögel und andere Tiere. Das geträumte Bestiarium von Paula Ludwig. In: Isolde Schiffermüller (ed.): Traumtexte zur Literatur und Kultur nach 1900. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2020, pp. 179-196.
‚Sind Träume Anfang der Prophetie?‘ Gedanken über die Träume in Nelly Sachs’ Briefe aus der Nacht. In: Daniel Pedersen (ed.): Nelly Sachs. München: Text + Kritik (23) 2017, pp. 100-110.